
& Insights

May 4, 2020
Much of the world has recently changed - but one thing hasn’t: people’s homes still need repairs. Despite challenges, PPL's Maintenance team continues to come in every day with enthusiasm and commitment to PPL residents.
April 6, 2020
Although our challenges are daunting, we must remember that we still have power. Your voice and generosity matter and have helped our community weather challenging times. We are resilient because we act.  
February 20, 2020
To make sure our community is fairly counted, we need your participation in the upcoming 2020 Census. So what is the Census and why should I be counted?
February 11, 2020
In 2020, PPL recommitted to our Strategic Direction that focuses on Housing Stability & Career Readiness. Now is the time to drive our vision for vibrant, thriving communities that will have a multi-generational impact on previously underinvested and underemployed communities.

‘Why Housing & Jobs’ is part of a series on how PPL’s 2020 – 2022 Strategic Direction comes alive in our work. 
February 4, 2020
"Volunteering can have a huge impact on one’s emotional well-being as well as provide experiences that can help you succeed in your personal and professional lives."
January 22, 2020
Our vision is to deepen and expand our housing + jobs work, to sharpen our focus on equity and engagement as ways of doing business, to commit to the importance of place, and to expand our impact on systems and policy.
November 20, 2019
Today is Ric John’s last day at PPL! Ric, an Employment Training Manager, has been at Project for Pride in Living for almost ten years. In honor of his retirement, we wanted to take a moment to highlight Ric’s contributions to PPL over the years.
October 30, 2019
Lawanda was tired of dead-end jobs and looking for something new. “PPL’s holistic approach to work training made sure the door to a new career was open and that I was ready to walk through it,” says Lawanda.
September 11, 2019
At a school of nearly 1,000 students, Robyn's social anxiety was always present and made it difficult to focus on learning. As her grades suffered, she sat down with her parents and school counselors to figure out her next step.
September 9, 2019
PPL's new Career Center opened earlier this year, but there was one thing missing; on the west side of the building remained a blank white wall. Five months ago, PPL partnered with Hope Community and Mia to create a larger-than-life mural.